Propose data changes
No SQL Required. Propose a data change via the Sort Data Explorer, API’s, or describe the change in text.
Leverage engineering best practices to change your data.
Supercharge customer support processes by making databases accessible. Sort adds guardrails to ensure data is checked by additional users, such as administrators, before any changes are made.
Suggest data changes
No SQL needed
Approval workflows
Safe for production systems
Sort is the only platform that enables engineering best practices for improving data quality. Report data issues, and resolve data problems with Change Requests, all within Sort.
Github workflows for data changes
Issue tracking for data problems
Improve communication
Link to specific rows and queries
Make internal teams vastly more efficient with Sort. Sort makes databases accessible and adds guardrails to ensure data is checked by additional users, such as administrators, before any changes are made.
No need to build admin panels or internal apps
Make databases accessible to more teams
Improve transparency for data changes
Approval workflows to ensure data changes are correct
Crowdsource data contributions, fixes, and improvements with Sort. Sort makes adding outside contributors for your database safe and easy.
Crowdsource data
Approval workflows to verify data changes
Leverage your community to fix data errors
Granular access control for internal and external teams
No SQL Required. Propose a data change via the Sort Data Explorer, API’s, or describe the change in text.
Ensure the right people are reviewing and approving the data changes. Increase transparency for your data across your teams!
Sort manages adding approved data changes to your databases with just a few clicks.
“Less than 50% of companies are confident in their internal data quality”
“An average of 4 working hours is being lost per employee per week in the IT department or data team due to the need to resolve issues related to preparing data for analysis”
“Every year, poor data quality costs organizations an average $12.9M.”
Sort enables engineering best practices to improve data quality. If you're familiar with Github pull requests, Sort uses the same workflows for data changes. In addition to data changes, Sort makes it easy to report data issues and navigate databases, similar to GitHub repos.
Sort makes it simple to report issues on bad data values. After an issue is opened, a Change Request can be created to address the data issue and execute any fixes to the data (after an administrator approves and applies the Change Request via Sort's interface). The issue can then be closed after the bad data has been fixed by Sort.
Sort's long-term vision is to make databases accessible, whether within your organization or the world. We are making it easy to share, collaborate, and build on top of data.
Feel free to email us at, or reach out to us on Twitter ( We'd love to hear from you!
Github workflows for your database
Leverage engineering best practices to change your data.