Improve communication between Data Engineering and Data Analysis
Data engineering teams can be spread out globally, in different timezones and geographies from data analysts. By tracking Issues directly alongside the source data, communication between teams becomes a breeze. Add all your data-related teams to Sort to simplify your data resolution workflows.
Now teams can easily report Issues, discover what needs to be fixed, and minimize time spent resolving data inconsistencies - all database connection details, queries, and Issue details are automatically stored by Sort.
Navigate databases with the ease of a webpage
Imagine searching for tables in all databases across your organization, immediately running queries and then copying a link to a specific rows to share with your team - these are the kind of features we take for granted with code on Github but are extremely difficult with any database. Instead of writing steps in plain text for how a user can find this data, simply use Sort to link to it.
Get the whole team creating data issues
Sort makes it easy for anyone in your organization, regardless of team or technical abilities, to create data Issues. Save time by using Sort to find the database owner, query the database, and report Issues. Stop copying data inconsistencies over to yet another tracking system, simply use Sort to meet these needs.
Resolve data issues with Change Requests
Sort makes changing critical data safe, adds collaboration to help spot errors, and provides a complete historical audit trail of changes to ensure accountability, transparency, security and compliance.