H1-B Data

2023 H1-B Data 🔥

2023 H1-B data gathered from the Department of Labor:


Contains all information, including salaries.

Questions / Comments?

  1. Please create an issue in the left nav of this database


Ibrohim Abdivokhidovillustrious-mole315
Displays the count of certified case status for every job title, sorted to show the highest certified count to the lowest.
Akruti Ambadepositive-dogfish689
This query will retrieve the specified columns from the public.jobs table, filtered for cases with a status of 'Certified', ordered by the most recent received_date, and limited to the first 100 rows.


  1. Incorrect value found

    • Bug

    #2 opened by jasonz

  2. Incorrect value found!

    • Data:fix

    #1 opened by jasonz

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